Vaccine Information Statements (VIS) all in one place
Most Common
All Vaccines
Combination Vaccines
(DTaP, Hib, Hepatitis B, Polio, and PCV13)
According to the CDC, "This VIS may be used in place of the individual VISs for DTaP, Hib, Hepatitis B, Polio, and PCV13 when two or more of these vaccines are administered during the same visit. It may be used for infants through children receiving their routine 4-6 year vaccines."
Instructions for Printing VIS QR Codes
To print all the VIS QR codes, click the "Print All" button below to open a printable PDF.
To print a VIS QR code for a specific vaccine, find the vaccine in the list above, then click the "View QR code" button to print the QR code.
Place printed QR codes near patient intake areas and be sure to provide patients access to their VIS prior to vaccine administration in accordance with Federal Law.
Patients scan QR code with a smartphone to access the VIS.
If you're receiving a COVID19 Vaccine, you're required to receive a fact sheet about the vaccination. Click "view sheet" for your vaccine to access the fact sheet.
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